How to show md error in material select box in angular 2?

I am using reactive forms for validation in my angular 2 project. I want to highlight fields that are invalid when "submit" is pressed. I achieved this in the input tag using md-Error, but I cannot do it in md-Select. Can anyone please help?


This is the md-select example I'm using:

<md-select placeholder="Listing Type" formControlName='listingType' required >
              <md-option *ngFor="let type of listType" [value]="type">
                {{ type }}


This is the md input I am using:

<md-input-container class="more-width">
              <input mdInput formControlName='price' required placeholder="Price">
              <md-error>Please Enter Price</md-error>


This is the test I am applying

 this.listingForm ={
      propertyType: ['', Validators.required]



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1 answer

You can show a red line below the box, but no error messages right now. I think it will be very soon. Github issue



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