Failed to get main window after 30 tries: kAXErrorServerNotFound

I have a suite of 26 tests. Sometimes some tests, any tests, fail with the following error:

Test Case ...
    t =     0.00s     Start Test at 2017-06-21 13:41:15.265
    t =     0.00s     Set Up
    t =     0.11s     Launch
    t =     4.06s         Wait for app to idle
    t =    10.27s             Unable to monitor animations
    t =    16.45s             Unable to monitor event loop
    t =    17.67s     Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for
    t =    23.84s         Assertion Failure: <unknown>:0: Failure getting snapshot Error Domain=XCTDaemonErrorDomain Code=12 "Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)}
    t =    23.85s         Tear Down


Tests are not displayed with an error in the report when using Xcode 8, but they apply when using Xcode 9. With Xcode 9, the problem is similar, but the logs are different.

t =     0.00s Start Test at 2017-06-22 14:17:00.716
t =     0.08s Set Up
t =     0.18s Open
t =     0.26s     Launch
t =     3.39s         Wait for to idle
t =     9.58s             Unable to monitor animations
t =    15.76s             Unable to monitor event loop
t =    16.90s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    23.17s Tap "More" Button
t =    23.17s     Wait for to idle
t =    29.41s         Unable to monitor animations
t =    35.59s         Unable to monitor event loop
t =    35.61s     Find the "More" Button
t =    35.61s         Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    41.92s         Wait for to idle
t =    48.16s             Unable to monitor animations
t =    54.34s             Unable to monitor event loop
t =    55.36s         Find the "More" Button (retry 1)
t =    55.37s             Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    61.69s             Wait for to idle
t =    67.92s                 Unable to monitor animations
t =    74.10s                 Unable to monitor event loop
t =    75.12s         Find the "More" Button (retry 2)
t =    75.12s             Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    81.44s             Wait for to idle
t =    87.66s                 Unable to monitor animations
t =    93.86s                 Unable to monitor event loop
t =    94.00s Assertion Failure: report.feature:11: Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)
t =    94.21s Find the Window
t =    94.21s     Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =   101.35s     Find the Window (retry 1)
t =   101.35s         Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =   108.53s     Find the Window (retry 2)
t =   108.53s         Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =   114.79s Assertion Failure: report.feature:10: Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)
t =   114.79s Tear Down


Screenshots in the report show that the application is running and appears to be inactive.


I have reproduced the problem in a sample project , which is a simple application with a tab bar view controller.


The Xcode 9 Beta 6 release notes seem to have a known issue regarding this

The xcodebuild test may fail with the following error: "Domain = XCTestManagerErrorDomain Code = 12" Failed to get main window after 30 attempts. "(29122169)

Temporary solution . Try again.

Hopefully this will be fixed before the final release of Xcode 9


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1 answer

I ran into this same issue on Xcode 8.3.2 - sad to hear that Xcode 9 beta hasn't fixed it yet :(

The only reliable fix so far has been resetting the iOS simulator (s). For example:

osascript -e 'tell application "Simulator" to quit'
xcrun simctl erase all


If you know your device ID, you can reset simply:

xcrun simctl erase DEVICE_ID


(It goes without saying that you can wrap these commands in a simple shell script and run it from your terminal when this problem appears.)



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