Src_snowflakedb () issue: 'src_sql' is not an exported object

I am trying to use dplyr

with a snowflake db using a package dplyr.snowflakedb

(on GitHub). I can install and load the libraries and then set the classpath pointing to the latest JDBC driver ( snowflake-jdbc-3.0.9.jar


# need to load RJDBC, or error 'could not find function ".jinit"' is thrown
options(dplyr.jdbc.classpath = "drivers/snowflake-jdbc-3.0.9.jar")


When I try to configure a connection object using src_snowflakedb()

the following error message appears (I deleted the account details, but they are correct in the actual code):

> nike_db <- src_snowflakedb(user = "user",
                     password = "user",
                     account = "acme",
                     opts = list(warehouse = "my_wh",
                                 db = "my_db",
                                 schema = "my_schema"))
URL: jdbc:snowflake://
Error: 'src_sql' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dplyr'


Indeed, the current version of dplyr does not export and does not include a function src_sql()


> dplyr:::src_sql
Error in get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE) : 
  object 'src_sql' not found


Is there a way to fix this?


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1 answer

I had the same problem and had to revert to a newer version of JDBC connection via SF: here you can see the link:

all you really need, but this:

result <- dbGetQuery(jdbcConnection, "select current_timestamp() as now")




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