Perl: use a link for a different hash

Firstly, I'm not even sure what to look for as I know how to do it in Excel, but I can't find an easy way (with my limited knowledge) to do it in perl. I need to renumber a pedigree (over 1.4 million records) and unfortunately there won't be enough shortage in excel, both due to the power of the PC and the powerful spreadsheet.

The file needs to be renumbered so that the person does not have fewer numbers than the parents, so my test file looks like this:

Ani | Sire | Dam
15  |   1  | 2
12  |   1  | 2
30  |  15  | 12
18  |  15  | 2
26  |  15  | 30
48  |  18  | 30
32  |  26  | 48
50  |  26  | 30


1 and 2 point to an unknown parent (I'll leave them 1/2), and renumber starts at 10 so that the "new IDs" are:

Old_ID | New_ID
 15    | 10
 12    | 11
 30    | 12
 18    | 13
 26    | 14
 48    | 15
 32    | 16
 50    | 17


So the result I would like to see would then be

new_ani | new_sire | new_dam
   10   | 1        | 2
   11   | 1        | 2
   12   | 10       | 11
   13   | 10       | 2
   14   | 10       | 12
   15   | 13       | 30
   16   | 14       | 15
   17   | 14       | 12


Using two hashes, I tried (unsuccessfully) to first bind the first column to the new ids (which I could do) and then the sire and dam column (which I cannot do).

To reduce the code a bit, I left the block calculating the new identifiers, since this will be a copy of the sire. i My code so far looks like this:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $input_file = .../pedigree.csv;
open (INPUT, "<", $input_file) or die "Cant open $input_file: $!";

my new_id = 0;

my %old_ped = ();
my %new_id = ();

while (<INPUT>){

        my $line = $_;
           $line =~ s/\s*$//g;

        my ($ani,$sire,$dam) = split('\,',$line);

        next if $ani eq 'db_animal' or !$ani or $ani eq 'ani';

        $old_ped{$ani}[0] = $ani;
        $old_ped{$ani}[1] = $sire;
        $old_ped{$ani}[2] = $dam;


        $new_id{$ani}[0] = $ani;
        $new_id{$ani}[1] = $new_id;

close INPUT;

foreach my $tt (sort keys %old_ped){

        if ($old_ped{$tt}[0] == $new_id{$tt}[0]){
                print "$new_id{$tt}[1],";

                if ($old_ped{$tt}[1] == 1){
                       print " 1,";
                        foreach my $tt (sort keys %new_id) {
                                if ($old_ped{$tt}[1] == $nuwe_id{$tt}[0]){
                                       print "$new_id{$tt}[1],";                                           


print "\n";


However ... I am obviously wrong as the links do not connect, so there is no match for producers (or dykes).

I tried instead to generate 2 additional hashes, one for sire and dam, using the sire and dam id as reference:

$sire{$sire}[0] = $sire;
$sire{$sire}[1] = $dierid;

$dam{$dam}[0] = $dam;
$dam{$dam}[1] = $dierid;


and using them in foreach like this:

foreach my $tt (sort keys %old_ped){

        if ($old_ped{$tt}[0] == $new_id{$tt}[0]){
                print "$new_id{$tt}[1],";

                if ($old_ped{$tt}[1] == 1){
                       print " 1,";
                        foreach my $tt (sort keys %sire) {
                                if ($sire{$tt}[0] == $nuwe_id{$tt}[0]){
                                       print "$new_id{$tt}[1],";                                           



print "\n";


I am guessing that I am using my hashes incorrectly, or perhaps I need to use a different loop? However, my knowledge of perl is still very basic and lacking.

Any help would be hugely appreciated!


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1 answer

Your approach is complex. I will focus on a different approach first, which I will explain.

You need to make two passes over the data. In the first pass, you create a map of old IDs and new IDs. The algorithm for creating a new identifier should start at 10 and increase, so simple. We can use a regular hash with the old id as the key and the new id as the value.

In my approach, we also store the string data in this first pass into an array of array references. This way I can use it in the second pass. If you have a lot of entries, this may not be very smart as it requires a lot of memory. In this case, you have to re-read the data and print

instead change the values ​​like I did.

In the second pass, we iterate over the lines and simply replace them from the lookup hash.

  • The meaning for ani is easy. Take the current value and see it.
  • The value for sire should only be replaced if it is not 1

    or 2

    . In Perl, which can translate to unless

    , it is less than 3

    . Watch it in this case, otherwise don't do anything.
  • The dam value works the same.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;

my $new_id = 10;

my %new_ids;
my @rows;
while (my $line = <DATA>) {
    $line =~ s/\s*$//g;

    my ( $ani, $sire, $dam ) = split( '\,', $line );

    # map old -> new
    $new_ids{$ani} = $new_id;

    # save row
    push @rows, [$ani, $sire, $dam];


# iterate all rows and replace the ids
foreach my $row (@rows) {
    $row->[0] = $new_ids{$row->[0]};
    $row->[1] = $new_ids{$row->[1]} unless $row->[1] < 3;
    $row->[2] = $new_ids{$row->[2]} unless $row->[2] < 3;

p @rows;


My program prints the result using Data :: Printer .

    [0] [
        [0] 10,
        [1] 1,
        [2] 2
    [1] [
        [0] 11,
        [1] 1,
        [2] 2
    [2] [
        [0] 12,
        [1] 10,
        [2] 11
    [3] [
        [0] 13,
        [1] 10,
        [2] 2
    [4] [
        [0] 14,
        [1] 10,
        [2] 12
    [5] [
        [0] 15,
        [1] 13,
        [2] 12
    [6] [
        [0] 16,
        [1] 14,
        [2] 15
    [7] [
        [0] 17,
        [1] 14,
        [2] 12


In terms of runtime, I created a file with 1.5M entries in random order with this program.

$ perl -E 'say join ",", int rand 10000, int rand 10000, int rand 10000 for 1 .. 1_500_000' > animals.csv


Running this through my code (changed to open

file) took about 8 seconds on my Core i7 Quadcore laptop and Perl 5.20.1.

$ time perl 
real    0m7.863s
user    0m7.260s
sys     0m0.436s




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