Creating unsigned .IPA with Xcode 8.3

We have an iPad app for a client that requires us to provide them with an unsigned .IPA file that they sign with their credentials and distribute to their corporate users.

Before Xcode 8.3, I was able to create unsigned.IPA using the following command:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY'/'$APP_NAME'.xcarchive' -exportPath $OUT_PATH


As of Xcode 8.3 this command gives me a message that I need to provide an exportOptions.plist file, so I created it with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


and use the same command as above with appended -exportOptionsPList ./exportOptions.plist

. Now I am getting this error:

No 'teamID' and no team ID found in the archive

I tried adding the teamID key to my exportOptions.plist file, but that also failed:

No valid iOS Distribution Signature IDs belonging to xxxx team were found.

(where xxxx is my team ID)

I have looked for solutions and tried it several times. Most of the proposed solutions for Xcode versions prior to 8.3 - the most common suggestion was to add the team CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=""


in the export command, but it did not help in my case (same error).


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1 answer

I am successfully generating unsigned ipa (On Xcode 8.3.1) as shown below.

1 GoTo / Applications, then right click and click Show Package Contents

2 GoTo Contents / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / SDK / iPhoneOS7.0.sdk / and copy the SDKSettings.plist file to your desktop

3 Open the copied SDKSettings.plist file. Under "DefaultProperties" ==> "dict" find CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED and change its value from YES to NO. Save the file

4 Copy this modified SDKSettings.plist file to Content / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / SDK / iPhoneOS7.0.sdk / replace the original file [YOU CAN SAVE THE ORIGINAL FILE AS A BACKUP] Make the required AUTHENTICATION AS A DEMAND

5 Restart Xcode and open the executable xcode project

6 In the Project Navigator select your project and open the Build Settings section of your portrait and select All under the heading.

7 In the Code Signing section, find the Code Signing ID, and for Debug and Reset modes, install any IOS SDK so you don't enter the code.

To create an IPA:

1 In Xcode go to Product and click Archive

2 7th step will create a project for you and create an archive. Once the process is complete, a new Organize - Archive window will open. You can see your project in the list of this window. Right click on the project and click Show in Finder which will display the * .xcarchive file

3 Right click on the * .xcarchive file and select Show Package Contents and goto Products => Applications where you will see an application file with your project name "project name" .app

4 Open iTunes to change the view in Applications and drag the application "project name" .app file to iTunes.

5 Right click on your application, click Reveal in Finder. There you will get an .ipa file.

Follow this link, I also use it. Create an unsigned IOS IPA app



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