#import file no error found in cocoaPods when using ObjectiveC in Swift project

I am installing an Objective C object in my swift project. I include "use_frameworks" in the subfile so I don't need to add anything to the bridge header.

The problem is I am including a generated (third party) ObjectiveC file that tries to #import the header from the pod - it fails with "[xxxxx] .h file not found"

The Objective # import "GTLRObject.h" statement causes the "GTLRObject.h not found" error.

My subfile:

target 'myHelloWorld' do
 # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
 pod 'GoogleAPIClientForREST'


Overcoming heading. I need to include a header for the generated ObjectiveC class so that I can use it in my swift code:

#import "GTLREcho.h"



// NOTE: This file was generated by the ServiceGenerator.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// API:
//   echo/v1
// Description:
//   This is an API

#import "GTLREchoObjects.h"
#import "GTLREchoQuery.h"
#import "GTLREchoService.h"


Error in GTLREchoObjects.h. #import "GTLRObject.h" = "GTLRObject.h file not found" :

   #import "GTLR/GTLRObject.h"
   #import "GTLRObject.h"


If I try to reference the GTLRObject from the swift file, I don't get any errors, eg.

import Foundation
import GoogleAPIClientForREST

class ControllerHello: NSObject {

func sayHello(strTest: String){
    let gtlObject = GTLRObject


Any advice is appreciated.


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1 answer

Since this answer may be helpful to others.

When using GoogleAPIClientForREST



> App

>Build Settings

For User Header Search Paths

add Pods

and select recursive


enter image description here



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