Creating Python animations with Pygame

I tried to create a game, but I cannot get the animation to work. When I start the game, it loads all images on top of itself and doesn't animate. Here's my code:

import pygame
import os


width = 800
height = 600

ship_width = 56
ship_height = 64

disp = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))


clock = pygame.time.Clock()

background = pygame.image.load(os.path.join("Backgrounds", "Space.png"))

img_names = ["sprite_00.png", "sprite_01.png", "sprite_02.png",   "sprite_03.png", "sprite_04.png", "sprite_05.png", "sprite_06.png", "sprite_07.png", "sprite_08.png", "sprite_09.png"] #i load all the images here

all_imgs = {}
for img in img_names:
    all_imgs[img] = pygame.image.load(img)

def gameLoop():
    x = (width * 0.45)
    y = (height * 0.8)

    x_ch = 0
    y_ch = 0

    x_bg = 0

    gameExit = False

    while not gameExit:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                gameExit = True

            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == ord("a"):
                    x_ch = -5

                elif event.key == ord("d"):
                    x_ch = 5

                elif event.key == ord("w"):
                    y_ch = -5

                elif event.key == ord("s"):
                    y_ch = 5

            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                if event.key == ord("a") or event.key == ord("d"):
                    x_ch = 0

                if event.key == ord("w") or event.key == ord("s"):
                    y_ch = 0

        x += x_ch
        y += y_ch

        if x > width - ship_width or x < 0:
            x_ch = 0

        if y > height - ship_height or y < 0:
            y_ch = 0

        x_loop = x_bg % background.get_rect().height
        disp.blit(background, (0, x_loop - background.get_rect().height))

        if x_loop < height:
            disp.blit(background, (0, x_loop))

        x_bg += 5

        for img in img_names:
            disp.blit(all_imgs[img], (x, y)) #but this part doesnt work it blits 

                                             #all the images on top of eachother




For some reason, it doesn't animate, it just loads all images on top of each other, please help me. thank.


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1 answer

Yes, your loop for img in img_names:

just dumps all images. My recommendation was to keep the images /pygame.Surfaces in a list and then use a variable index

that keeps track of the current image.

So rude:

images = [image1, image2, etc.]
index = 0

while True:
    index += 1
    # Modulo to keep the index in the correct range.
    index %= len(images)
    current_image = images[index]
    disp.blit(current_image, position)


Please note that this example is related to frame rate and I recommend increasing it index

over a period of time.

Addendum: To slow down the animation, you can, for example, count the frames and increase the index only if it is frame_count

greater than 3.

images = [image1, image2, etc.]
index = 0
frame_count = 0

while True:
    frame_count += 1
    if frame_count > 3:
        frame_count = 0
        index += 1
        index %= len(images)
        current_image = images[index]

    disp.blit(current_image, position)


But it will still be related to the frame rate.

The correct way to use it is to use a variable timer

and add the time returned by it clock.tick

, and if the timer is above some arbitrary threshold, increase the index and resize the image.

images = [image1, image2, etc.]
index = 0
current_image = images[index]
timer = 0
dt = 0

while True:
    timer += dt
    # If 1 second has passed.
    if timer > 1:
        timer = 0
        index += 1
        index %= len(images)
        current_image = images[index]

    screen.blit(current_image, position)

    # dt is the time that has passed since the last clock.tick call.
    # Divide by 1000 to convert milliseconds to seconds.
    dt = clock.tick(FPS) / 1000




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