React-native-popup-menu in react-navigation header

I'm using a react navigation prefix and would like to show a popup when the user clicks a button on the right side of the react navigation header.

I have wrapped the context menu in the root of my applications as shown below

return (
      <Provider store={store}>
          <MenuContext style={{ flex: 1 }}>
              <AppWithNavigationState />


on one of my screens I have

static navigationOptions = {
        headerTitle: 'News',
        headerRight: (
          <TouchableOpacity style={{ paddingLeft:15, paddingRight:15 }}>
              <Icon name="more-vert" size={30} color="black" />


enter image description here

When the user presses the right button it should look like thisenter image description here

Menu items are dynamic, I will need to fetch data from one of my APIs and start rendering the menu data.

I read on the internet that this can be achieved with a context method, but I'm not sure how to implement this in my framework.

Can anyone advise me on this? And is it possible to do this with my local variable?


source to share

3 answers This works for me

 headerRight:<View  style={{marginRight:10}}>
            button={<Text onPress={this.showMenu}><Icon style={{color:screenProps.headerTitleStyle.color,fontSize:25,marginRight:5}} name="md-more"/></Text>}
            <MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu}>Rate Us</MenuItem>
            <MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu}>Share App</MenuItem>
            <MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu}>Settings</MenuItem>




The most non-standard way is to use a modal when right click on the name this.refs.modalRef.showModal()

, which is on your current page:

    <PopupModal ref="modalRef" />



like this:

export default class PopupModal extends Component {
    state = {
      show: false,
    showModal() {
      this.setState({show: true});
    closeModal = () => {
      this.setState({show: false});
    return (
            <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.closeModal}>
                <View style={{
                    width: '100%',
                    height: '100%',
                    opacity: 0.5,
                    backgroundColor: 'gray',
                }} />
            <View></View> // your designed view, mostly position: 'absolute'


You can also pass some data to PopupModal using this.refs.modalRef.showModal(data)

and to PopupModal:

showModal = (data) => {
  this.setState({ data, show: true });




I have the same problem. I tried to fix it with these answers but still doesn't work. Please help me. This is such an urgent task. Here is my original code and result.

              <Icon name='home' style={{padding:'2%'}}/>
        centerComponent={{ text: 'My Motor', style: { color: '#fff', fontSize: 20 } }}
          <MenuProvider style={{flexDirection:'row', padding:'2%'}}>
            <Menu onSelect={value=> this.props.navigation.navigate(value)}>
                <Icon name='menu' style={{padding:'2%', color:'#fff'}}/>
                <MenuOption value={'home'}>
                <MenuOption value={'register'}>
                <MenuOption value={'my_profile'}>
                  <Text>My Profile</Text>




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