Can't get Perl Chart (gnuplot) to mark all ticks along axis

Usage Chart::Gnuplot

in perl.

The x-axis must be for date / time.

I indicate

timeaxis => "x"   (seems to work)


I use

timefmt => '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S' 


to read the elements in the ref array passed to xdata in Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new

. (this works too)


xtics => {labelfmt => "%m-%d %H", rotate => -90} 


to display the labels the way I want them. (that everything seems to work too)

Indeed, everything looks good, except for the fact that it only marks a few ticks on the x-axis (date / time). I want to label them all (or whatever, or have some control over that)

I found lots of examples of how to do this for numbers (note dates) using ... start, incr, end, etc. And I tried a lot of experiments to get this to work. But I think I have exhausted everything I can find in this googling and I am still stuck :-(

So, if there is any advice on how to do this to denote all date / time ticks, I would really appreciate it.


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1 answer

You can use xtics => { labels=>[...] }

, but you need to respect that

In the case of these timers, the position values ​​must be specified as dates or times according to the timefmt format .

from gnuplot documentation .

Assuming the array @x

contains the dataset time values ​​at timefmt , x-ticks can be forced at each of those times.

xtics => {
    labels=>[map { q(').$_.q(') } @x]


There are many ways to add single quotes at any given time, but I think the map

above is the cleanest one.

You can of course provide your own shortcuts, just make sure they are correct and the same as timefmt . I think the translation operator in Perl q()

is the way to go.

labels=>[ q('2005-6-7_07:04:53') , q('2005-6-7_07:05:10') ]


Complete working example

Here is a complete working example modified from tit gallop examples.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use Chart::Gnuplot;

    # Change the date time format of the tic labels
    # - the solution is the same as change the number format

    # Date array
    my @x = qw(

    my @y = qw(

    # Create the chart object
    my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
        output   => 'test.png',
        xtics    => {
            rotate => -90,
            labelfmt => "%m-%d %H",
            labels=>[map { q(').$_.q(') } @x]
        timeaxis => "x", # declare that x-axis uses time format

    # Data set object
    my $data = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
        xdata   => \@x,
        ydata   => \@y,
        style   => 'linespoints',
        timefmt => '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S',

    # Plot the graph


Without, labels

you get something like this.

Without labels, you get automatic

With help, labels

you get something like this.

Fixing the places of labels to the specified values



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