Depends on phpunit doesn't seem to work

Maybe it's just me, but @depends

doesn't seem to work as I expected. My code:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase
     * @depends testFunc1
    public function testFunc2()
        exit('TEST FUNC 2 called');

    public function testFunc1()
        exit('TEST FUNC 1 called');


When I do phpunit MyTest.php

, I expect to see TEST FUNC 1 called

, but instead I see TEST FUNC 2 called

. It seems to be simple to run the tests in the order they appear in the script, regardless of the attribute @depends

that is really asking the question: what does @depends

it actually do?

I am running PHPUnit 5.7.20.


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1 answer

To run docblock you need to use /**

instead /*




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