Shadow copy in mvc kernel

In Asp.Net Shadow, copying allows you to update assemblies that are used in the application domain without unloading the application domain. Since Mvc Core does not support AppDomain and cannot load duplicates of another assembly version. I'm looking for a way to update assemblies at runtime without unloading or stopping the site. My goal is to update the site with a newer version if available on the remote server.


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1 answer

A workaround can be found here: Site dll file intermittently breaks when publishing . The trick is to create a subdirectory (eg / PREVIOUS), move the "old" files in that directory, change the web.config file to point to the exe in that directory, publish the new site, and change the web.config again. Of course, this must be scripted ... If you set "Delete additional files at destination", you will not be able to work with the subdirectory, but you can put that directory somewhere else (if IIS has access to it).



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