Python: How can I upgrade python version in pyenv-virtual-environment?

I have used pyenv

, pyenv-virtualenv

to control the python virtual environment.

I have a project running in a Python 3.4

virtual environment.

Thus, all installed packages ( pandas

, numpy

etc.) are not the newest version.

What I want to do is upgrade the version Python

from 3.4 to 3.6 and also upgrade the version of the other package to a higher one.

How can I do this easily?


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2 answers

Use pip freeze > requirements.txt

to keep a list of installed packages.

Create a new venv with python 3.6.

Install the saved packages with pip install -r requirements.txt

. When pip finds a universal wheel in the cache, it installs the package from the cache. Other packages will be downloaded, cached, built and installed.



If you are using anaconda just type

conda install python == $ pythonversion $



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