IOS silent notifications for killed apps after device restart

As per the documentation, silent notifications are handled by the app delegate (_: didReceiveRemoteNotification: fetchCompletionHandler :) also when the app is in " Down ". This behavior does not apply if the application was forcefully disabled by the user. But the documentation mentions that if the device was restarted after a force shutdown, the notification will start the app launch on the device again.

Excerpt from the documentation :

... However, the system does not start your application automatically if the user has a forced termination. In this situation, the user must restart the application or restart the device before the system will automatically launch the application automatically.

Can anyone confirm this to work (possibly with earlier versions of iOS)?

My experience (using iOS 10.x) is that if the app was forcibly shut down, the app won't restart even after (multiple) devices are restarted.


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