How to report APA style Bayesian linear (mixed) models using rstanarm?

I am currently struggling with how to report following the APA-6 guidelines, the conclusion rstanarm::stan_lmer()


First, I would put the mixed model in a frequency-based approach and then try to do the same using a Bayesian framework.

Here's the reproducible code to get the data:


df <- neuropsychology::personality %>% 
  select(Study_Level, Sex, Negative_Affect) %>% 
         Negative_Affect=scale(Negative_Affect)) # I understood that scaling variables is important


Now we come to a linear mixed model for the "traditional" way of testing the influence of Sex (male / female) on the negative influence (negative mood) with the level of education (years of study) as a random factor.

fit <- lmer(Negative_Affect ~ Sex + (1|Study_Level), df)


The conclusion is as follows:

Linear mixed model fit by REML t-tests use Satterthwaite approximations to degrees of
  freedom [lmerMod]
Formula: Negative_Affect ~ Sex + (1 | Study_Level)
   Data: df

REML criterion at convergence: 3709

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.58199 -0.72973  0.02254  0.68668  2.92841 

Random effects:
 Groups      Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Study_Level (Intercept) 0.04096  0.2024  
 Residual                0.94555  0.9724  
Number of obs: 1327, groups:  Study_Level, 8

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    0.01564    0.08908    4.70000   0.176    0.868    
SexM          -0.46667    0.06607 1321.20000  -7.064 2.62e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
SexM -0.149


To report this, I would say that “we set up a linear mixed model with negative impact as an outcome variable, sex as a predictor, and study rate entered as a random effect. In this model, male level resulted in a significant reduction in negative affect (beta = -0.47, t (1321) = - 7.06, p <0.001).

Is it correct?

Then try to fit the model in a Bayesian structure with rstanarm


fitB <- stan_lmer(Negative_Affect ~ Sex + (1|Study_Level),
                  prior=normal(location=0, scale=1), 
                  prior_intercept=normal(location=0, scale=1),
print(fitB, digits=2)


This returns:

 family:  gaussian [identity]
 formula: Negative_Affect ~ Sex + (1 | Study_Level)

            Median MAD_SD
(Intercept)  0.02   0.10 
SexM        -0.47   0.07 
sigma        0.97   0.02 

Error terms:
 Groups      Name        Std.Dev.
 Study_Level (Intercept) 0.278   
 Residual                0.973   
Num. levels: Study_Level 8 

Sample avg. posterior predictive 
distribution of y (X = xbar):
         Median MAD_SD
mean_PPD 0.00   0.04  

For info on the priors used see help('prior_summary.stanreg').


I think it median

is the median of the posterior distribution of the coefficient and the mad_sd

equivalent of the standard deviation. These parameters are close to beta and standard error of the participant model, which is encouraging. However, I don't know how to formalize and put the output in words.

Also, if I do the model summary ( summary(fitB, probs=c(.025, .975), digits=2)

), I get other back distribution functions:

                                             mean     sd       2.5%     97.5% 
(Intercept)                                    0.02     0.11    -0.19     0.23
SexM                                          -0.47     0.07    -0.59    -0.34


Something like the next good thing?

“we set up a linear mixed model in a Bayesian framework with negative impact as the outcome variable, gender as a predictor, and study level entered as a random effect. The priority for coefficient and intercept were set to normal (mean value = 0, sd = 1). In this model, the features of the posterior distribution of the coefficient associated with the male level indicate a decrease in negative affect (mean = -0.47, sd = 0.11, 95% CI [-0.59, -0.34]).

Thank you for your help.


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1 answer

The following is a personal opinion that may or may not be acceptable to the journal of psychology.

To report this, I would say that “we set up a linear mixed model with negative impact as an outcome variable, sex as a predictor, and study rate entered as a random effect. In this model, male level resulted in a significant reduction in negative affect (beta = -0.47, t (1321) = - 7.06, p <0.001).

Is it correct?

This is considered correct from the point of view of the sentry.

The key concepts from a Bayesian perspective are that (conventionally for a model, of course)

  • There is a 0.5 chance that the true effect is less than the posterior median and a 0.5 chance that the true effect will be greater than the posterior median. Frequent people tend to see the posterior median shape as the numerical optimum.
  • The function posterior_interval

    gives reliable intervals around the median with a default probability of 0.9 (although a lower number gives more accurate bounds estimates). So you can legitimately say that there is a 0.9 chance that the true effect is between these bounds. Frequent people tend to see confidence intervals as reliable intervals.
  • The function

    will give you access to raw gorse, so mean($male > 0)

    it makes it likely that the expected difference in results between men and women in the same study will be positive. Frequent people tend to think of these probabilities as p-values.

For a Bayesian approach, I would say

We are approaching a linear model using a negative-impact Monte Carlo Markov chain because the outcome variable, gender as a predictor, and intercept were allowed to vary with the level of study.

And then talk about the grades using the three concepts above.



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