Angular 4 - chain subscription

I am calling a webservice from Angular 4 code and subscribing to a response. When the response comes in, I need to parse it and use the parsed information, call another web service (and then subscribe to the response again).

How can I achieve this chain using Rxjs subscription.

In the code below, I am calling the client's web service to get its pin. When I receive this, only then do I need to call the second rest service with the pin as the input.

fetchCoordinates() {

      (response: Response) => {

        let pinUrl = JSON.parse(response.text()).items[0].pin;
        // Take the output from first rest call, and pass it to the second call
          (response: Response) => {
      (error) => console.log('Error ' + error)


Is this the correct way to bind a subscription? I need to make another web service after getting the 2nd service results. This will add even more code block.


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1 answer

This will be cleaner using flatMap

, so there is only one subscription:

.flatMap((response: Response) => { 
    let pinUrl = JSON.parse(response.text()).items[0].pin;
    return this.myService.get(pinUrl);
.subscribe((response: Response) => {


To see what it really does take a flatMap

look at this:



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