Migrate Queries to Firebird for MySQL - Select Internal Attach Subquery

I have a query that worked in our SQL Firebird data module.

We switched to MySQL and all my queries are not working except this one.

Please help me fix this. I am getting the error:

Failed to execute. Unknown column "part.id" in the "on" section

My Firebird request:

SELECT vendor.name AS "Vendor Name",
   Cast(Cast(vendorparts.lastdate AS date) AS CHAR(10)) AS "Last Date",
   CASE product.price
     ELSE Round(product.price, 2)
   end AS "D-Price",
   Cast(vendorparts.lastcost AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) AS "Last Cost",
   Cast(lowestcost.lowestcost AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) AS "Lowest Cost",
   Cast(highestcost.highestcost AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) AS "Highest Cost",
   part.num AS "Part Number",
   part.description AS "Part Description"

FROM   vendor,
       INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                          Max(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Highestcost
                   FROM   vendorparts
                   GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid) AS highestcost
               ON part.id = highestcost.partid
       INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                          Min(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Lowestcost
                   FROM   vendorparts
                   GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid) AS lowestcost
               ON part.id = lowestcost.partid
WHERE  vendor.id = vendorparts.vendorid
       AND product.partid = part.id
       AND vendorparts.partid = part.id
       AND vendorparts.lastcost <> 0 


All tables are in the database, except for lowestcost

and highestcost

, which were created in subqueries.

I hope my request is clearly written. But to summarize - I need this working Firebird query to migrate to MySQL.

Why does this work in Firebird but not MySQL?


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3 answers

The problem is that in mySQL the operator has a lower precedence than the operator join

, so joins are evaluated product inner join (subquery) on part.id = highestcost.partid inner join (subquery) on part.id = lowestcost.partid

before the table is part

joined in the expression, hence the error message.

Replace the comma operators with simple operators join

and move the join conditions from clause where

to clauses on

and you should be fine:

FROM   vendor
       inner join vendorparts on vendor.id = vendorparts.vendorid
       inner join part on vendorparts.partid = part.id
       inner join product on product.partid = part.id
       INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                          Max(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Highestcost
                   FROM   vendorparts
                   GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid) AS highestcost
               ON part.id = highestcost.partid
       INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                          Min(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Lowestcost
                   FROM   vendorparts
                   GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid) AS lowestcost
               ON part.id = lowestcost.partid
WHERE  vendorparts.lastcost <> 0 


If you have more queries like this where you mix comma operator and explicit joins, you should check them out because they may give different results, even if there was no syntax error in MySQL.



This query will also not work in Firebird 3.0 and above (see Mixed Syntax Support. The reason is that you are combining SQL-89 style joins with SQL-92 style joins.

You need to rewrite your query to use explicit joins everywhere, so:

FROM   vendor 
   inner join vendorparts on vendor.id = vendorparts.vendorid
   inner join part on vendorparts.partid = part.id
   inner join product on product.partid = part.id
   INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                      Max(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Highestcost
               FROM   vendorparts
               GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid) AS highestcost
           ON part.id = highestcost.partid
   INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                      Min(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Lowestcost
               FROM   vendorparts
               GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid) AS lowestcost
           ON part.id = lowestcost.partid
WHERE vendorparts.lastcost <> 0 




Do not mix explicit and implicit join
Avoid using the same alias in column and table names (in this example ai refer to t1 and t2) and avoid AS for table subsection name

    vendor.name AS "Vendor Name",
    Cast(Cast(vendorparts.lastdate AS date) AS CHAR(10)) AS "Last Date",
    CASE product.price
     ELSE Round(product.price, 2)
    end AS "D-Price",
    Cast(vendorparts.lastcost AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) AS "Last Cost",
    Cast(lowestcost.lowestcost AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) AS "Lowest Cost",
    Cast(highestcost.highestcost AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) AS "Highest Cost",
    part.num AS "Part Number",
    part.description AS "Part Description"

FROM  vendor 
INNER JOIN vendorparts on vendor.id = vendorparts.vendorid AND vendorparts.lastcost <> 0 
INNER JOIN part on vendorparts.partid = part.id and 
INNER JOIN product on product.partid = part.id
INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                          Max(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Highestcost
                   FROM   vendorparts
                   GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid)  t1
               ON part.id = t1.partid
INNER JOIN (SELECT vendorparts.partid,
                          Min(vendorparts.lastcost) AS Lowestcost
                   FROM   vendorparts
                   GROUP  BY vendorparts.partid)  t2
               ON part.id = t2.partid




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