How can I pipe Jenkins from the command line?

I would like to be able to do the listing on Jenkins pipelines and it seems that Groovy linting is not enough.

How can i do this?


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4 answers

It looks like there are two options for drawing pipeline scripts, one via the cli on the leader or the http POST call:

CLI reuse with SSH

# ssh (Jenkins CLI)
# JENKINS_SSHD_PORT=[sshd port on master]
# JENKINS_HOSTNAME=[Jenkins master hostname]
ssh -p $JENKINS_SSHD_PORT $JENKINS_HOSTNAME declarative-linter < Jenkinsfile


Reuse over HTTP POST with curl

# curl (REST API)
# Assuming "anonymous read access" has been enabled on your Jenkins instance.
# JENKINS_URL=[root URL of Jenkins master]
# JENKINS_CRUMB is needed if your Jenkins master has CRSF protection enabled as it should
JENKINS_CRUMB=`curl "$JENKINS_URL/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,\":\",//crumb)"`
curl -X POST -H $JENKINS_CRUMB -F "jenkinsfile=<Jenkinsfile" $JENKINS_URL/pipeline-model-converter/validate



HTTP without crumbs.

If you want to use HTTP and don't want to use CRUMB. just add your username and password using the [-u 'option. Replace <username> and <password> with your username and password. Also check if the jenkins server url is correct.

 curl --user <username>:<password> -X POST -F "jenkinsfile=<Jenkinsfile" http://localhost:8080/pipeline-model-converter/validate





In addition to kongkoro's answer, there is a Jenkins file overlay tool.

# install
$ npm install -g 

# usage
# JENKINS_URL=[root URL of Jenkins master]
$ jflint -j $JENKINS_URL Jenkinsfile


What jflint does is the same as curl in the official doc , while jflint only works with declarative pipelines. But it's easier to use.



There is also a tool for Sublime Text that takes the SSH method and makes it simple.



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