ServiceStack.OrmLite Using Limit in SQL.In Filter

I have a parent / child table setup - Items / ItemDetails. This part works:

    var q = db.From<Item>(); //various where clauses based on request
    items = db.Select<Item>(q);
    q = q.Select(a => a.ITEM_NO);
    itemDetails = db.Select<ItemDetail>(x => Sql.In(x.ITEM_NO, q));


Trying to add paging to improve the performance of this query for large datasets, I'm having a hard time getting the .Limit (skip, rows) function to work in the SQL.In child table statement.

    var q = db.From<Item>().Limit(skip, rows);
    items = db.Select<Item>(q);
    q = q.Select(a => a.ITEM_NO);
    itemDetails = db.Select<ItemDetail>(x => Sql.In(x.ITEM_NO, q));


It works when limiting the results in the first selection, but when used in child data, I get "Only one expression can be specified in the select list when no subquery is entered with EXISTS."

The SQL that comes out changes the subquery to:

    (ORDER BY "ITEM"."ITEM_NO") As RowNum  
    FROM "ITEM") AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > 5 AND RowNum <= 15)


I understand the SQL error because I am selecting more than one column in the IN clause. Is there a better way to write this to avoid the error?



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1 answer

If you are using SQL Server 2012 or later you should use SqlServer2012Dialect.Provider

for example:

container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c => 
    new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connString, SqlServer2012Dialect.Provider)); 


This allows OrmLite to take advantage of the paging support added in SQL Server 2012, rather than using the window-breaking functionality required to implement paging for earlier versions of SQL Server.



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