JUnit4 results differ from @SuiteClasses and TestSuite

I am trying to run a JUnit4 test using categories against the AllTests test suite. Example 1 running Suite3 and Example 2 running Suite2 throws the following exception.

java.lang.Exception: Category annotations on Parameterized classes
are not supported on individual methods.

I need to generate a TestSuite as the test runs.

Any suggestions on how to fix the problem? Thanks to

Example 1

public class Suite3 {

           MathUtilTest.class, MathUtil2Test.class
public class AllTests3 {


example 2

public class Suite2 {

public final class AllTests2 {
    public static TestSuite suite() {
        final TestSuite result = new TestSuite();
        result.addTest(new JUnit4TestAdapter(MathUtilTest.class));
        result.addTest(new JUnit4TestAdapter(MathUtil2Test.class));
        return result;

    private AllTests2() {



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1 answer

There are various related bugs in the latest stable release of JUnit 4 (4.12):


Someone made a fix for the unreleased 4.13-SNAPSHOT, which you can build and test yourself by cloning the GitHub repo at https://github.com/junit-team/junit4

However, I have run some tests myself and should conclude that the @Category annotation works when used in your MathUtilTest class, but only if the class is annotated, the annotation is ignored when used on separate test methods.



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