How to match strings in different combinations in R

I have a data frame df

with words separated +

, but I don't want the order to matter when doing parsing. For example, I have

df <-
      c(("Yellow + Blue + Green"),
        ("Blue + Yellow + Green"),
        ("Green + Yellow + Blue")))


There are currently three unique answers among them, but I want to be considered the same. I have tried brute force methods such as ifelse

but they are not suitable for large datasets.

Is there a way to reorder the terms so that they match, or something like a reverse function combn

that recognizes that they are the same combination but in a different order?



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2 answers

df <- data.frame(cols = 
                 c(("Yellow + Blue + Green"),
                   ("Blue + Yellow + Green"),
                   ("Green + Yellow + Blue"),
                   ("Green + Yellow + Red")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#Split, sort, and then paste together
df$group = sapply(df$cols, function(a)
    paste(sort(unlist(strsplit(a, " \\+ "))), collapse = ", "))
#                   cols               group
#1 Yellow + Blue + Green Blue, Green, Yellow
#2 Blue + Yellow + Green Blue, Green, Yellow
#3 Green + Yellow + Blue Blue, Green, Yellow
#4  Green + Yellow + Red  Green, Red, Yellow

#Or you can convert to factors too (and back to numeric, if you like)
df$group2 = as.numeric(as.factor(sapply(df$cols, function(a)
        paste(sort(unlist(strsplit(a, " \\+ "))), collapse = ", "))))
#                   cols               group group2
#1 Yellow + Blue + Green Blue, Green, Yellow      1
#2 Blue + Yellow + Green Blue, Green, Yellow      1
#3 Green + Yellow + Blue Blue, Green, Yellow      1
#4  Green + Yellow + Red  Green, Red, Yellow      2




I would like to give my opinion on this, since he didn't understand what format you want to get:

I am using packages stringr

and iterators

. Using df


search <- c("Yellow", "Green", "Blue")
L <- str_extract_all(df$cols, boundary("word"))
sapply(iter(L), function(x) all(search %in% x))




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