Array with various objects in TypeScript

How can I set a different class in TypeScript when collecting different objects in the same array that inherit from the same class so that TypeScript doesn't display an error?

I try like this:

interface IVehicle{
    modelName: string

interface ICar extends IVehicle{
    numberOfDoors: number,
    isDropTop: boolean

interface IBike extends IVehicle{
    hasDynamo: boolean

var vehicles: IVehicle[] =
            modelName: "carModelName", // Error
            numberOfDoors: 4,
            isDropTop: true
            modelName: "bikeModelName",
            hasDynamo: true


While doing this I am getting errors.

I can just add superior interface objects IVehicle

if I don't want to show any errors.


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1 answer

After fixing syntax errors, you can specify the type of each individual entry in the array.

interface IVehicle {
    modelName: string

interface ICar extends IVehicle {
    numberOfDoors: number,
    isDropTop: boolean

interface IBike extends IVehicle {
    hasDynamo: boolean

let vehicles: IVehicle[] =
            modelName: "carModelName",
            numberOfDoors: 4,
            isDropTop: true,
        } as ICar,
            modelName: "bikeModelName",
            hasDynamo: true
        } as IBike


Or just change the type of the array to an array of car, car, or bike like this:

let vehicles: Array<IVehicle | ICar | IBike> =
            modelName: "carModelName",
            numberOfDoors: 4,
            isDropTop: true,
            modelName: "bikeModelName",
            hasDynamo: true


If you later want to determine if the IVehicle is IBike or ICar , you can use user protected protection types. p>

function isBike(vehicle: IVehicle): vehicle is IBike {
    return (<IBike>vehicle).hasDynamo !== undefined;

function isCar(vehicle: IVehicle): vehicle is ICar {
    return (<ICar>vehicle).numberOfDoors !== undefined;

function log(vehicle: IVehicle) {
    if (isBike(vehicle)) {
        // tsc knows vehicle is IBike
    } else if (isCar(vehicle)) {
        // tsc knows vehicle is ICar
    } else {


You can read more about them in the section Extended types in the reference.

You can also find a working example of all the playground code here .



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