Unable to create queue

For the test, I created an IoT layer hub and a basic service bus. But when I click "+ queue" and fill in all the fields; (14 days, default), lock duration (30 seconds, default) and "Enable Partitioning" only. I am getting this error when clicking create button:

The "AutoDeleteOnIdle" property could not be set when creating the queue because the "x" namespace uses the "Basic" level.

I should be able to create queues, but not themes with this setting. Is one of the Create Queue properties that works with a different naming convention with AutoDeleteOnIdle?


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2 answers

The "AutoDeleteOnIdle" property could not be set when creating the queue because the "x" namespace uses the "Basic" level.

I can reproduce the problem with the following example when I use the "Basic" level.

var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);

namespaceManager.CreateQueue(new QueueDescription("testqueue") {
    DefaultMessageTimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
    LockDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
    EnablePartitioning = true,
    AutoDeleteOnIdle = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) });



enter image description here

After I scale it up to standard, the above code works fine. If possible, try scaling to standard and check if you can create a queue and set the AutoDeleteOnIdle property.

enter image description here



Microsoft has resolved the issue. I was able to create a service bus queue below the baseline using the portal.



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