Unable to contact the service using DNS in the service

I am trying to get a stateless service to send a value to another, just to achieve communication between services using a DNS service in the service. I tested both apps with postman and they work great. I am following this tutorial where it seems pretty straight forward to do this.

DNS service enabled: DNS service started

Stateless service has DNS name: DNS name configured in ApplicationManifest.xmlenter image description here

<Service Name="SocketService" 
    <StatelessService ServiceTypeName="SocketServiceType" 
       <SingletonPartition />


Then I try to send http access to the service like in the tutorial.

using (var client = new HttpClient())
 client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://socketservice.timeseriesactorapplication:8712/api/");
 var response = await client.GetAsync("values");


But I am getting an exception:

WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'socketservice.timeseriesactorapication'

This happens when I use port 8080 as the tutorial suggests, and when I use the port I specify in the ServiceManifest.xml.

  <Endpoint Protocol="http" Name="ServiceEndpoint" Type="Input" Port="8712" />


What am I missing here?

Update: Using localhost instead of dns-name also works great.

Github issue: Unable to resolve DNS name of service # 332


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2 answers

I see that you are using Service Cloth 5.6.210. In the recent 5.6.220 release ( https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azureservicefabric/2017/06/20/release-of-sdk-2-6-220-and-runtime-5-6-220-refresh -for-windows / ) contains some fixes for the DNS service. Note that although I am running 5.6.220, I noticed that DNS name resolution does not always start working immediately after deploying to my local machine (I need to redistribute or wait a few minutes). If you are working locally, you can check name resolution in a terminal window - just ping the DNS name of the service.



I fixed this with ipconfig / flushdns to update DNS. I also found that local IP is the first DNS server in my DNS chain.



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