Does the main function in Haskell always start with main = do?

In java, we always write:

public static void main(String[] args){...}


when we want to start writing a program.

My question: is it the same for Haskell, IE: can I always declare: main = do when I want to write code for a program in Haskell?


main = do  
    putStrLn "What your name?"  
    name <- getLine 
    putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name) 


This program will ask the user, "What's your name?" the user input will then be stored inside the variable name and the "Hello" ++ name will be displayed until the program ends.


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2 answers

Short answer : No , we have to announce main =

, but not do



should be an IO type
(sic IO a

) where a

is arbitrary (since it is ignored), as written here :

It is important to use a name main

: it main

is defined as the entry point of a Haskell program (similar to a function main

in C) and must be of IO

, usually IO ()


But you don't need the notation do

. In fact, it is syntactic sugar . Yours is actually: do


main =
    putStrLn "What your name?" >> getLine >>= \n -> putStrLn ("Hello " ++ n)


Or more elegantly:

main = putStrLn "What your name?" >> getLine >>= putStrLn . ("Hello " ++)


So, here we have written a main

unmarked do

. For more information on desurage do

see here .



Yes, if you do

have multiple lines in your block , and if you even use the notation do


The full do

-notation syntax also includes curly braces and semicolons:

main = do { putStrLn "What your name?" 
          ; name <- getLine  
          ; putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name) 


With them, padding doesn't matter. So when you only have one line of IO code like

main = do { print "Hello!" }


there are no semicolons, no indentation to pay attention to, and curly braces and keyword do

become redundant.


converts to IO

-monadic code, but you can view it as implementation details first. In fact, you should.

"Monad" is a scary and uninformative word, but it really is nothing more than EDSL, conceptually. Embedded domain-specific language means that we have Haskell's own values โ€‹โ€‹worth for (in this case) I / O computation. We write our I / O programs in this language, which become native Haskell values, which we can operate on like any other Haskell eigenvalue - collect them in lists, compose them into more complex descriptions (programs) of calculations, etc. .d.

The value main

is one of those values โ€‹โ€‹calculated by our Haskell program. The compiler sees this and executes the I / O program it designates at runtime.

The fact is that now we can have a "function" getCurrentTime

(impossible, at first glance, in the functional paradigm, since it must return different results for individual calls), since it does not return the current time - the action described by him will do this when the described the I / O program is started by the runtime system.

At the type level, this is reflected by values โ€‹โ€‹that are not just one simple Haskell type a

, but a parameterized type IO a

, tagged IO

as belonging to this particular world of I / O programming.



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