Python Scipy interpolation error warning

I am trying to fit a spline surface to some 2D data using scipy interpolation

from scipy import interpolate



 # fit spline to surface
 xnew, ynew = np.mgrid[x[0]:x[-1]:100j, y[0]:y[-1]:100j]
 tck = interpolate.bisplrep(X, Z, array)
 znew = interpolate.bisplev(xnew[:,0], ynew[0,:], tck)


But I am getting the following warning messages:

C: \ Users ... \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ Anaconda3 \ Lib \ site-packages \ SciPy \ 975: RuntimeWarning: Theoretically impossible result when searching for a smoothing spline with fp = s. Probable reasons: too small or poorly chosen eps. (Abs (FP-s) / s> 0.001) kx, ky = 3.3 nx, ny = 16.18 m = 610 fp = 18417275715.663498 s = 575.071502 warnings.warn (RuntimeWarning (_iermess2 [ierm] [0] + _mess )) C: \ Users ... \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ Anaconda3 \ Lib \ site-packages \ SciPy \ 975: RuntimeWarning: Required storage space exceeds available storage space. Likely reasons: nxest or nyest is too small or s is too small. (FP> s) kx, ky = 3.3 nx, ny = 20.20 m = 610 fp = 661.198585 s = 575.071502 warnings.warn (RuntimeWarning (_iermess2 [ierm] [0] + _mess)) C: \ Users. ..\ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ Anaconda3 \ Lib \ site-packages \ SciPy \ 975: RuntimeWarning: Required storage space exceeds available storage space. Likely reasons: nxest or nyest is too small or s is too small. (FP> s) kx, ky = 3.3 nx, ny = 20.20 m = 610 fp = 1013.605606 s = 575.071502 warnings.warn (RuntimeWarning (_iermess2 [ierm] [0] + _mess))

And instead of getting something similar to my data: sample data

I get this: spline output

I admit I don't know what the warning messages mean and haven't found anything on the internet.


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1 answer

It looks like your input contains too little data? Another problem might be that your axes x

and y

are of a very different order of magnitude. I don't know if this is a problem for bisplrep

, but other interpolation algorithms don't like it.

I've had more success with this scipy.interpolate.Rbf

, which also gives a very smooth result.



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