Preventing dropped FFMPEG frames

I am using ffmpeg to save live broadcasts with a .m3u8 url. I regularly see the following message. This freezes the output video.

skipping 5 segments ahead, expired from playlists


How can I tell ffmpeg to just write the frames and ignore that they have expired? I would rather see choppy video than just freeze.


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1 answer

Old question, but WTH ... maybe this will help someone.

If I understand the situation correctly, this message means that ffmpeg skips loading 5 whole blocks ("segments").

This is not about "expired frames", but about "chunks that I have scheduled to download but no longer post to playlists."

5 chunks / segments can be several seconds long, not just 5 frames. This is why you see freezing.

Maybe you can try using some kind of filter with the input so that the output mux can fill in the gap in the segments. Take a look at the overlay filter for example:



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