Is there an efficient algorithm for merging numeric ranges?

I am given a series of ranges, and I need to iterate each number in any of the ranges exactly once. Ranges can overlap and contain the same numbers.

The numbers in the range

using Number = uint32_t;


The ranges are of this form

struct Range {
  Number first;
  Number last;
  Number interval;


Just to clarify the presentation Range


Range range = {
  2,  //first
  14, //last
  3   //interval

//is equivalent to...

std::vector<Number> list = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14};


I have several Range

and need to efficiently iterate all numbers in any order only once.

How to efficiently iterate over a set of ranges?

Also, Is there a better algorithm if the interval is always 1?


source to share

2 answers

For each range, remember the "current" value (going from first to last with step size). Place this along with the range in the priority queue, sorted after the current value.

Take over if its current value is different from the last one, then use it. Then add the next step if there is another one.

Assumes a positive step size.

template<typename Iterator, typename Operation>
void iterate_ranges (Iterator from, Iterator to, Operation op) {
  using R = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
  using N = typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<R>().first)>::type;
  using P = std::pair<N, R>;
  auto compare = [](P const & left, P const & right) {
    return left.first > right.first;};

  std::priority_queue<P, std::vector<P>, decltype(compare)> queue(compare);

  auto push = [& queue] (P p) {
    if (p.first < p.second.last) queue.push(p); };
  auto next = [](P const & p) -> P {
    assert(p.second.step > 0);
    return {p.first + p.second.step, p.second}; };
  auto init = [&push] (R const & r) {
    push({r.first, r}); };

  std::for_each(from, to, init);

  if (queue.empty()) return;

  N last =;

  while (! queue.empty()) {
    P current =;
    if (current.first != last) {
      last = current.first;


Memory requirement: linear in number of ranges. Timing requirement: the sum of all step counters in each range.

Small example :

struct Range {
  int first;
  int last;
  int step; // a better name ...

int main() {
  Range ranges [] = {
    {1, 10, 2},
    {2, 50, 5}};

  auto print = [](auto n) { std::cout << n << std::endl; };

  iterate_ranges(std::begin(ranges), std::end(ranges), print);


To get all the numbers in a vector, use a lambda with a vector reference and hit each one.

Is there a better algorithm if the interval is always 1?

You could add this as a special case, but I don't think it will be necessary. If you only have 50 bands, then the higher push won't be that expensive. Although, with all the optimization: profile first!



If the sequences are very long, you can just take each result in order without saving the list, discarding duplicates as you go.

#include <vector>

// algorithm to interpolate integer ranges/arithmetic_sequences
template<typename ASqs, typename Action>
void arithmetic_sequence_union(ASqs arithmetic_sequences, Action action)
    using ASq = ASqs::value_type;
    using T = ASq::value_type;
    std::vector<ASq> remaining_asqs(begin(arithmetic_sequences), end(arithmetic_sequences));
    while (remaining_asqs.size()) {
        // get next value
        T current_value = **std::min_element(begin(remaining_asqs), end(remaining_asqs),
            [](auto seq1, auto seq2) { return *seq1 < *seq2; }
        // walk past this value and any duplicates, dropping any completed arithmetic_sequence iterators
        for (size_t seq_index = 0; seq_index < remaining_asqs.size(); )
            ASq &asq = remaining_asqs[seq_index];
            if (current_value == *asq // do we have the next value in this sequence?
                && !++asq) { // consume it; was it the last value in this sequence?
                remaining_asqs.erase(begin(remaining_asqs) + seq_index);//drop the empty sequence
            else {


This requires a range represented in a generator object. This is likely to be similar to the implementation of the tested iterator, but iterators do not reveal the idea that they are at the end of a sequence, so we may have to wrap our own simple generator.

template <typename ValueType, typename DifferenceType>
class arithmetic_sequence {
    using value_type = ValueType;
    using difference_type = DifferenceType;
    arithmetic_sequence(value_type start, difference_type stride, value_type size) : 
        start_(start), stride_(stride), size_(size) {}
    arithmetic_sequence() = default;
    operator bool() { return size_ > 0; }
    value_type operator*() const { return start_; }
    arithmetic_sequence &operator++() { --size_; start_ += stride_; return *this;}
    value_type start_;
    difference_type stride_;
    value_type size_;


Test example:

#include "sequence_union.h"
#include "arithmetic_sequence.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

using Number = uint32_t;

struct Range {
    Number first;
    Number last;
    Number interval;

using Range_seq = arithmetic_sequence<Number, Number>;

Range_seq range2seq(Range range)
    return Range_seq(range.first, range.interval, (range.last - range.first) / range.interval + 1 );

int main() {
    std::array<Range, 2> ranges = { { { 2,14,3 },{ 2,18,2 } } };
    std::array<Range_seq, 2> arithmetic_sequences;
    std::transform(begin(ranges), end(ranges), begin(arithmetic_sequences), range2seq);

    std::vector<size_t> results;
        [&results](auto item) {std::cout << item << "; "; }

    return  0;

// output: 2; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10; 11; 12; 14; 16; 18;




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