Unable to switch between popup and Excel for Mac

I made an Excel add-in that pops up a window either via window.open

or Dialog API .

I just tested it in Excel for Mac: when the window is open, it seems that we cannot return focus to Excel or to the add-in taskbar; we have to close the window before selecting Excel or the add-in taskbar.

Does anyone know if there is a way to enable focus switching between popup and Excel?


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2 answers

The dialog box is modal in nature that forces the user to interact with it before they can go back to using the parent Office add-in / node. For interactions that require feedback from Excel, the taskbar is a suitable place for the user interface.



The dialog API always displays the dialog on top of other elements. In terms of modality, you are correct that on Windows the dialog allows you to still interact with the spreadsheet, while on other platforms like Mac or Online it is completely modal (cannot go back to the spreadsheet). My recommendation is to design the add-on over multiple platforms, so let's assume the dialog is modal across all platforms. As Judge recommends in his answer, if your interaction requires the user to use the add-in and spreadsheet back and forth, using the panel is the best model.



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