Sorting a column in pandas then sorting another column while keeping the previous sorted column

So, I have some data on a large number of publicly traded stocks. Each line of data contains an identifier, date and some other information. Naturally, the stock can appear many times in the data frame (i.e. Google can have multiple records corresponding to different dates when the price was updated).

I want to be able to sort the ids and then sort the dates for each sorted block.

NOTE: sorting is done in ascending order for example.

    id        date price
0  123  2015/01/13     x
1  114  2017/02/15     y
2   12  2016/12/02     z
3  123  1996/04/26     w
4  114  2014/02/23     u
5  114  1995/05/25     v


Sorting the IDs gives:

    id        date price
0   12  2016/12/02     z
1  123  2015/01/13     x
2  123  1996/04/26     w
3  114  2017/02/15     y
4  114  2014/02/23     u
5  114  1995/05/25     v


Sorting WHILE dates when ids are fixed gives:

    id        date price
0   12  2016/12/02     z
1  123  1996/04/26     w
2  123  2015/01/13     x
3  114  1995/05/25     v
4  114  2014/02/23     u
5  114  2017/02/15     y



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1 answer

You seem to need DataFrame.sort_values


df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df = df.sort_values(['id','date'])
print (df)
    id       date price
2   12 2016-12-02     z
5  114 1995-05-25     v
4  114 2014-02-23     u
1  114 2017-02-15     y
3  123 1996-04-26     w
0  123 2015-01-13     x


Or if the column is id



df['id'] = df['id'].astype(str)
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df = df.sort_values(['id','date'])
print (df)
    id       date price
5  114 1995-05-25     v
4  114 2014-02-23     u
1  114 2017-02-15     y
2   12 2016-12-02     z
3  123 1996-04-26     w
0  123 2015-01-13     x


You can also sort one column in descending order and another in ascending order:

df['id'] = df['id'].astype(str)
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df = df.sort_values(['id','date'], ascending=[False, True])
print (df)
    id       date price
3  123 1996-04-26     w
0  123 2015-01-13     x
2   12 2016-12-02     z
5  114 1995-05-25     v
4  114 2014-02-23     u
1  114 2017-02-15     y




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