Customize grafana icon and color scheme

Is there a way to customize the grafana dashboard? I realized that there are some CSS files in the install directory, but I cannot find them. I am currently running it locally, but the plan is to eventually move it to the server. I would like to change the icon in the upper left corner as well as the color scheme of the user interface.


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1 answer

You didn't mention which OS you installed Grafana on. For Ubuntu / Debian the css files are in /usr/share/grafana/public/css

. There is no built-in way to customize the look. You can change the CSS files, but they will be overwritten if you update Grafana.

However, you can develop Grafana and change as much as you like.

Instructions for building Grafana are given here:

The frontend files are in a public subdirectory and when you run the Grunt script build the CSS and Javascript files are generated in the public_gen directory. Therefore, do not make changes to the public_gen directory as they will be overwritten.



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