Map from Char to String in Haskell

I am trying to figure out how to improve the transliteration from German umlauts to ASCII for identifiers id

in Pandoc. Currently there is only a mapping Char -> Maybe Char

that converts ä

to a

and ß

to Nothing

, etc., but the most common convention is ä

to map to ae

and ß

to ss

, etc. Here's what I have so far:

import Data.Char (isAscii)
import qualified Data.Map as M

asciiMap' :: M.Map Char String
asciiMap' = M.fromList

toAsciiStr :: Char -> String
toAsciiStr c | isAscii c = [c]
             | otherwise = M.findWithDefault "" c asciiMap'

myTranslit :: String -> String
myTranslit [] = []
myTranslit (x:xs) = toAsciiStr x ++ myTranslit xs


My question is about myTranslit


Perhaps there is already a built-in map display function someMap :: (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]



source to share

2 answers

Yes, you are looking for one that concatenates the output after matching. Since a , it can specialize in and further (with and ) on . Note that is an alias for , so a is nothing more than a list of -acters. concatMap :: Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]



concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]

a ~ Char

b ~ Char

concatMap :: (Char -> [Char]) -> [Char] -> [Char]


type String = [Char]



Thus, you can use:

myTranslit :: String -> String
myTranslit = concatMap toAsciiStr



You can make it all concise like

myTranslit :: String -> String
myTranslit = concatMap $ \c -> case c of
  'Ä' -> "Ae"
  'Ö' -> "Oe"
  'Ü' -> "Ue"
  'ä' -> "ae"
  'ö' -> "oe"
  'ü' -> "ue"
  'ß' -> "ss"
  _ | isAscii c  = [c]
    | otherwise  = ""




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