python str.replace doesn't actually change the string

I have a question about Python and Json. I am coding a bot for discord using discord py and I wanted to have a config file. In my code, I need to replace a string from a variable located in a Python file.

This is my current code:

#change prefix
async def prefix(ctx, newprefix):
    with open("config.json", 'a+') as f:
        stringified = JSON.stringify(json)
        stringified.replace('"prefix" : prefix, "prefix" : newprefix')
    await ctx.send("Prefix set to: `{}`. New prefix will be applied after restart.".format(newprefix))
    author =
    print(author, "has changed the prefix to: {}".format(newprefix))



    "nowplaying":"with buttons",


When I enter the command:, ?prefix *newprefix*

there is no exit in the divorce or terminal, nothing changes. Can anyone show me a way to do this?


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2 answers


is not an in-place operation, so you will need to assign the result back to the original variable. What for? Because the strings are immutable.

For example,

>>> string = 'testing 123'
>>> string.replace('123', '')
'testing '
>>> string
'testing 123' 


You will need to assign the replaced string to your original. So change this line:

stringified.replace('"prefix" : prefix, "prefix" : newprefix')


To that:

stringified = stringified.replace('"prefix" : prefix, "prefix" : newprefix')




In addition to @ Coldspeed's answer, which is valid, you should pay attention to the way you use the str.replace () function:

stringified.replace('"prefix" : prefix, "prefix" : newprefix')


Here you only pass one argument to replace: '"prefix" : prefix, "prefix" : newprefix'

If I understand your code correctly, you can use the following function:

stringified = stringified.replace('"prefix":"?"', '"prefix":"{}"'.format(newprefix))


This will replace the original string in your JSON. But instead of using str.replace()

which is not very flexible, it might be a good idea to use a regex to perform string replacement in all cases, even if you have spaces before and / or after the character :



stringified = re.sub(r'("prefix"\s?:\s?)"(\?)"', r'\1"{}"'.format(newprefix), stringified)




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