Pandas get row number of data with composite index

I have a directory with .csv files containing 60 minute bars of stock data and a Python script that loads them all into a pandas dataframe and indexes the character and date and time as shown below:

import pandas as pd
import glob
import numpy as np

allFiles = glob.glob("D:\\Data\\60 Min Bar Stocks\\*.csv")
frame = pd.DataFrame()
list_ = []
for file_ in allFiles:
    df = pd.read_csv(file_,index_col=None, header=0)
frame = pd.concat(list_)


print(frame.loc["AAL", :])
print(frame.loc["AAL", :].loc["05-Jun-2017 09:00", :])


The first print returns the following:

                   Open   High    Low   Close   Volume
05-Jun-2017 09:00  49.53  49.88  49.40  49.64   560155

05-Jun-2017 10:00  49.58  49.89  49.58  49.85   575165


The second print returns the following:

Open          49.53
High          49.88
Low           49.40
Close         49.64
Volume    560155.00
Name: 05-Jun-2017 09:00, dtype: float64


How can I find the row index for that single row in the data frame and then get a slice that will be 12 rows consisting of the previous row, the current row, and the next 10 rows?


source to share

1 answer

I think you need get_loc

for position MultiIndex

, then select iloc


d = '05-Jun-2017 09:00'
s = 'AAL'

pos = df.index.get_loc((s,d))
df1 = df.iloc[pos-1:pos + 11]
print (df1)


But there is a problem if t

is the first value or part of the 10


df1 = df.iloc[max(pos-1,0): min(pos+11,len(df.index))]



print (df)
                            Open    High     Low   Close  Volume
Symbol Date                                                     
AAL    05-Jun-2017 08:00  1.1801  1.1819  1.1801  1.1817       4
       05-Jun-2017 09:00  1.1817  1.1818  1.1804  1.1814      18
       05-Jun-2017 10:00  1.1817  1.1817  1.1802  1.1806      12
       05-Jun-2017 11:00  1.1807  1.1815  1.1795  1.1808      26
       05-Jun-2017 12:00  1.1803  1.1806  1.1790  1.1806       4
       05-Jun-2017 13:00  1.1801  1.1801  1.1779  1.1786      23
       05-Jun-2017 14:00  1.1795  1.1801  1.1776  1.1788      28
       05-Jun-2017 15:00  1.1793  1.1795  1.1782  1.1789      10
       05-Jun-2017 16:00  1.1780  1.1792  1.1776  1.1792      12
       05-Jun-2017 17:00  1.1788  1.1792  1.1788  1.1791       4


d = '05-Jun-2017 09:00'
s = 'AAL'

pos = df.index.get_loc((s,d))
df1 = df.iloc[max(pos-1,0): min(pos+10,len(df.index))]
print (df1)
                            Open    High     Low   Close  Volume
Symbol Date                                                     
AAL    05-Jun-2017 08:00  1.1801  1.1819  1.1801  1.1817       4
       05-Jun-2017 09:00  1.1817  1.1818  1.1804  1.1814      18
       05-Jun-2017 10:00  1.1817  1.1817  1.1802  1.1806      12
       05-Jun-2017 11:00  1.1807  1.1815  1.1795  1.1808      26
       05-Jun-2017 12:00  1.1803  1.1806  1.1790  1.1806       4
       05-Jun-2017 13:00  1.1801  1.1801  1.1779  1.1786      23
       05-Jun-2017 14:00  1.1795  1.1801  1.1776  1.1788      28
       05-Jun-2017 15:00  1.1793  1.1795  1.1782  1.1789      10
       05-Jun-2017 16:00  1.1780  1.1792  1.1776  1.1792      12
       05-Jun-2017 17:00  1.1788  1.1792  1.1788  1.1791       4


Can't select previous because timestamp t

is first value if index is:

d = '05-Jun-2017 08:00'
s = 'AAL'

pos = df.index.get_loc((s,d))
df1 = df.iloc[max(pos-1,0): min(pos+10,len(df.index))]
print (df1)
                            Open    High     Low   Close  Volume
Symbol Date                                                     
AAL    05-Jun-2017 08:00  1.1801  1.1819  1.1801  1.1817       4
       05-Jun-2017 09:00  1.1817  1.1818  1.1804  1.1814      18
       05-Jun-2017 10:00  1.1817  1.1817  1.1802  1.1806      12
       05-Jun-2017 11:00  1.1807  1.1815  1.1795  1.1808      26
       05-Jun-2017 12:00  1.1803  1.1806  1.1790  1.1806       4
       05-Jun-2017 13:00  1.1801  1.1801  1.1779  1.1786      23
       05-Jun-2017 14:00  1.1795  1.1801  1.1776  1.1788      28
       05-Jun-2017 15:00  1.1793  1.1795  1.1782  1.1789      10
       05-Jun-2017 16:00  1.1780  1.1792  1.1776  1.1792      12
       05-Jun-2017 17:00  1.1788  1.1792  1.1788  1.1791       4


It is not possible to select all 10 of the following rows because t

is the 3.rd

value from the back:

d = '05-Jun-2017 15:00'
s = 'AAL'

pos = df.index.get_loc((s,d))
df1 = df.iloc[max(pos-1,0): min(pos+10,len(df.index))]
print (df1)
                            Open    High     Low   Close  Volume
Symbol Date                                                     
AAL    05-Jun-2017 14:00  1.1795  1.1801  1.1776  1.1788      28
       05-Jun-2017 15:00  1.1793  1.1795  1.1782  1.1789      10
       05-Jun-2017 16:00  1.1780  1.1792  1.1776  1.1792      12
       05-Jun-2017 17:00  1.1788  1.1792  1.1788  1.1791       4




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