Can I use "zip ()" with step parameter in Python?

I would like to extract a very specific piece of a 2D array in Python using a method zip()

(and avoid the messy loop logic). I would like to use zip to achieve something like this:

>>> sub_matrix = list(zip([*grid[0:3]]*3))

# Desired output example (Option 1)
[".","4",".", ".",".","4",".",".","."]

# Desired output example (Option 2)


I am working with the 2D Array given below in Python on an interview practice problem.

grid = [[".","4",".",".",".",".",".",".","."],


Part of solving the problem involves ensuring that every 3 x 3 "area" in a Sudoku game contains legal meanings. I would like to use zip()

to quickly extract the 3 x 3 part of a matrix. For example, the top left area will cause the tests to fail because it contains four times.

enter image description here

I know I can multiply the grid to get the first three lines like this:

    >>> sub_grid = grid[0:3]
    >>> print(sub_grid)
    [['.', '4', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], 
    ['.', '.', '4', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], 
    ['.', '.', '.', '1', '.', '.', '7', '.', '.']]


I changed the print a bit to make it obvious, but at this point I would like to archive the three arrays using a "step" of 3, so that each new array will cover 3 values ​​from each array before moving on to the next.

There is no snippetzip

in the Python3 docs of how I think it can be done, but I can't seem to get the output I want.

Left-to-right iteration order is guaranteed. This makes the idiom possible for clustering a series of data into n-length using zip(*[iter(s)]*n)


(For posterity, the question from CodeFights will be hidden until unlocked )

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


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3 answers

No zip code but [row[:3] for row in grid[:3]]




does not support going through nested structures this way. Another alternative to the other answer is using map

and retrieving these fragments.

from operator import itemgetter
list(map(itemgetter(0, 1, 2), grid[0:3]))


or, if you like:

list(map(lambda x: x[0:3], grid[0:3]))


If you are using python2 you can remove the extra list(...)


As for the way to use it and why, take a look at this thread on SO.


[('.', '4', '.'), ('.', '.', '4'), ('.', '.', '.')]





To make blocks work with a single layer:

[reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, item) for l in [zip(*row) for row in zip(*[iter([zip(*[iter(row)]*3) for row in grid])]*3)] for item in l]


Step by step explanation

First, let's see how to use zip


chunks = [zip(*[iter(row)]*3) for row in grid]

    [('.', '4', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '4'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('1', '.', '.'), ('7', '.', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('3', '.', '.'), ('.', '6', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '6'), ('.', '9', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '1', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('2', '.', '.')],
    [('.', '.', '.'), ('8', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')]


You can see how each line is divided into chunks of size three. The lines also need to be split, so we run:

blocks = zip(*[iter(chunks)]*3)

        [('.', '4', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
        [('.', '.', '4'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('1', '.', '.'), ('7', '.', '.')]
    ), (
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('3', '.', '.'), ('.', '6', '.')],
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '6'), ('.', '9', '.')]
    ), (
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '1', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')],
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('2', '.', '.')],
        [('.', '.', '.'), ('8', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')]


This gives us blocks. For extraction, it makes sense to transfer them first:

transposed_blocks = [zip(*row) for row in blocks]

        (('.', '4', '.'), ('.', '.', '4'), ('.', '.', '.')),
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('1', '.', '.')),
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('7', '.', '.'))
    ], [
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')),
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('3', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '6')),
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '6', '.'), ('.', '9', '.'))
    ], [
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.')),
        (('.', '1', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'), ('8', '.', '.')),
        (('.', '.', '.'), ('2', '.', '.'), ('.', '.', '.'))


You can see how each block is now on a separate line. The last step is to concatenate each line into one list:

blocks_as_list = [reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, item)
                  for l in transposed_blocks for item in l]

    ('.', '4', '.', '.', '.', '4', '.', '.', '.'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '1', '.', '.'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '7', '.', '.'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '3', '.', '.', '.', '.', '6'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '.', '6', '.', '.', '9', '.'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'),
    ('.', '1', '.', '.', '.', '.', '8', '.', '.'),
    ('.', '.', '.', '2', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.')


And we will get a list of all blocks. Now you can check them for Sudoku rules.



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