How can i use and rxjava 2 android
I am developing an application with mpv (mosby3) + I want to use rxjava 2 to communicate with provider and store.
I have a CategoryManager
public class CategoryManager {
private List<Category> list = null;
If the list is not null I can do this
public Single<List<Category>> getList() {
return Single.just(this.list);
But if i need to load the list i have async like it
socket.on("category", (data) -> {
Type founderListType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Category>>() {}.getType();
list = gson.fromJson(data[0].toString(), founderListType);
// here i need to generate event to single subscriber
I think I should use
public Single<List<Category>> getList(int count) {
return Single.create(s -> {
if (list == null) {
// i need async load list
} else {
s.onSuccess(list.subList(0, count));
And CategoryPresenter must have a code like
.subscribe(data -> {
if (isViewAttached()) {
}, throwable -> {
I think I can store subscribers in a property of the class
private List<SingleEmmiter> subscribers;
and remove the subscribers in the setCancellable method, but I don't think that's a good idea.
Help me please:)
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