What is the identity of the type?

I have the following data type:

data Bull = Fools
  | Twoo
  deriving (Eq, Show)


and use Monoid to implement it:

instance Monoid Bull where
  mempty = Fools
  mappend _ _ = Fools


As you can see, mempty

this is an identical function that does not respect the laws of identity:

*Main> x = Twoo
*Main> mappend mempty x == x


What will the type be Bull

? What is the identity of the type Bool



source to share

3 answers

Short answer : it depends on the functionmappend


What will the type be Bull

? What is a type Bool


The type has no "inherent" identifier , the identity only exists in relation to the binary function (here mappend

), for example the Wikipedia article says:

In mathematics, an identity or neutral element is a special type of set element with respect to a binary operation on that set, which leaves the other elements unchanged when combined with them.

So it depends on what kind of operation you mappend


In case Bool

we define mappend = (&&)

, then the unit element is mempty = True

. But if you choose mappend = (||)

, then mempty = False


Yours instance Moniod Bull

doesn't match... Since it cannot satisfy the property:

mappend mempty x = x


If you choose Fools

how mempty = Fools

, then it mappend Fools Twoo

should be Twoo

. And if we choose mempty = Twoo

, then mappend Twoo Twoo

still not Twoo


Point a Monoid

is that you have to design the binary operator carefully. As in the Haskell documentationMonoid

, it doesn't say that it must meet the following requirements:

mappend mempty x = x

mappend x mempty = x

mappend x (mappend y z) = mappend (mappend x y) z

mconcat = foldr mappend mempty


These rules are not "made up" for Haskell: a monoid is a well-known algebraic structure . Usually in mathematics, a monoid is referred to as a 3-tuple. For example, (N, +, 0), where N is a set (for example, natural numbers), + is a binary function and 0 is a single element.



This is a great question and one that I have played several times. In fact, it was one of the first uses of universe I ever came up with, and I still find it neat. So let me show you!

Here's the idea: we're going to use the universe package to list all the possible implementations mempty

and mappend

then check which ones satisfy the laws. First, some templates:

import Data.Universe
import Data.Universe.Instances.Reverse

data Bull = Fools | Twoo deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Universe Bull
instance Finite Bull


This will simply import the appropriate bits of the package and determine your type. Now let the code work out monoid laws. We want ours to mappend

be associative; I write (+)

for mappend

, we can require:

associative        (+) = all (\(x,y,z) -> (x+y)+z == x+(y+z)) universe


The laws of identity are very similar to each other and connect ours mappend

with ours mempty

(which we will call here as (+)

well zero


leftIdentity  zero (+) = all (\x -> zero+x == x) universe
rightIdentity zero (+) = all (\x -> x+zero == x) universe


A monoid must satisfy all three laws:

monoid (zero, (+)) = associative (+) && leftIdentity zero (+) && rightIdentity zero (+)


And now we can build a list of all monoids by simply filtering out those that match the laws:

monoidsOnBull :: [(Bull, Bull -> Bull -> Bull)]
monoidsOnBull = filter monoid universe


Check it out in ghci:

> mapM_ print monoidsOnBull


(Also, how are we supposed to read this output? Well, the universe package shows the type functions by a -> b

showing its type graph [(a, b)]

, that is, a list of input and output pairs. The output above is a tuple with a matching mempty

in the first part and a matching mappend

in the second part.)

So what are these monoids doing? Let them in turn:



Here mappend

outputs Fools

if both inputs are not Twoo

. That is, it is the Bull

equivalent (&&)

. The identity for (&&)

is True

- or Twoo

, in the case Bull




This one mappend

outputs Fools

if its two inputs are equal, Twoo

otherwise. You can think of it as xor on Bool

, or two's complement of 1-bit numbers. Its identity Fools

(or zero).



This is exactly the same as the latter, but gets reset everywhere.



This is exactly the same as the first, but everywhere it is reduced to zero. It also looks like (||)

on Bool

that has identity False


This ends with a lecture, but there are two more fun notes worth adding.

First, it base

offers All

and Any

, if you want yours to mappend

be (&&)

and (||)

, accordingly. As far as I know, there is no suitable new type to get xor or its negation as Monoid

; but you can fake it by declaring an instance Num

for Bool

(using intuition Word1

, which False

is 0 and True

equal to 1) to get it through Sum Bool


And second, here's another answer: which monoid exists for data Color = Red | Green | Blue

? We have all the mechanisms to answer this question now and to confirm that there are actually quite a few monoids:

> length monoidsOnColor


I encourage you to try and build code that will list them all and push them through to see what ideas you can get!



There is no monoid for a given collection (or type, in Haskell). In fact, an identity in a monoid is not defined by the set on which it is defined, but rather by an operation (which is called mappend

in Haskell). For example, a monoid on integers could be defined on add (with ID 0

) or on product (with ID 1


Here's why Sum

and Product

: since there are several possible implementations of a class Monoid

in a set Num a => a

, we prefer to wrap it in newtype

and define an implementation Monoid

for the wrapped type.

There are similar constructs for type Bool

c All

, monoid over booleans under concatenation ( (&&)

) with identity True

and Any

, monoid over booleans under disjunction ( (||)

) with identifier False

. In fact, Booleans can form monoids on a variety of other operations (such as XOR and XNOR).

Since the type of Bull

isomorphic type Bool

(both have exactly two null constructor), you can inspire yourself for implementation Monoid

on Bool

, but we can not decide which implementation works best in your case with a further context.

Also, as Anton Xue mentioned, even if you could define a monoid for Bull

, does it really make sense? What should be your type?



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