How do I open an existing project in React Native?

The first time I used React Native I successfully installed everything to work with iOS development on my macbook and I was able to create a project and view it on my phone. However, now when I come back to it, I cannot figure out how to open my existing project. I tried looking for a guide, but the only guides I can find are for first-time installation.

In terminal, I tried:

$ cd MyProjectFolder $ react-native init MyProject

but this seems to want to overwrite my project with a new one.

I am also trying:

$ cd MyProjectFolder $ react-native start

It seems like it might be on the right track, but I get the answer:

Running packager on port 8081.  

 │  Keep this packager running while developing on any JS projects. Feel      │ 
 │  free to close this tab and run your own packager instance if you          │ 
 │  prefer.                                                                   │ 
 │                                                                            │ 

Looking for JS files in

React packager ready.

Loading dependency graph, done.


It seems to work, but I can't connect to the iPhone via Expo and I'm not sure where to go from here. I feel like there is a step I am missing.


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1 answer

I realized my mistake. I didn't notice that I didn't start the server with

$ npm start

After entering the following into the terminal:

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ react-native start


I just opened a second tab in the terminal and typed $ npm start

in and it loaded just like the first time.



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