Looping link exclusion

I have a question about spring framework. Let's assume the following code exists:

public class A
  private B b;

  public void foo()
    System.out.println("A foo");

public class B
  private A a;

  public void foo()
    System.out.println("B foo");


and the following code appears, which launches the application context:

public class DemoApplication
  private A a;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);


if i start the spring context then it will throw a circular reference exception (which is expected). My question is, why if I rescale bean A to singleton then everything works fine?


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1 answer

omitted - like injection, since it occurs after objects are created.

with prototype it looks like (without spring)

public class A{
  private B b =new B();

public class B{
  private A a =new A();


with singeltone it looks like (without spring)

public class A{
  private static A a = new A();
  private static B b = B.getB();

  public static B getB(){
     return b;

public class B{
  private static B b = new B();
  private static A a = A.getA();

  public static B getB(){
     return b;


for prototype you create bean A from bean B with create bean A ........

for singelton you are using the only object that was created before you reference it



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