ERROR Failed to register mbeans Access is denied ("" "register")

When running, for example, Elasticsearch 5.5: main ERROR Could not register mbeans access denied ("" "register")


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4 answers

A workaround as of Oracle Java 1.8.0_131 is to open the file <jre>/lib/security/java.policy

and add this line to the section grant

(that is, between the curly braces):

permission "register";

Why a workaround? A vertical solution would be to specify an additional section grant

whose code should exactly get this permission.



got the same error and answer here when using Ant, but works fine when calling java from console

Add a grant section to your java.policy file with permission "register";



I had this same problem when going from one instance to two instances locally.

I tried what Alice suggested above. Even reinstalled Elasticsearch (5.5.0). I also updated my Java to the latest version for Linux provided by Oracle.

There was nothing. Then I found that I couldn't just take the elasticsearch-5.5.0 / config directory and rename it to elasticsearch-5.5.0 / node1.

So ... I had to leave this config directory in place and clone it to node1 / node2.

EVEN if I tweak path.config in runtime commands ES still needs this baseline config directory.

Hope it helps.



I faced the same issue on Ubuntu-16.04 system. Solution: ElasticSeearch service cannot start for user "ROOT". To do this, change the ownership of the elasticsearch folder with the following command: go to your Elasticseach installation directory

$ sudo chown -R username: user_Group elasticsearch-5.5.0

$ / bin / elasticsearch

this will start the elasticsearch service. It works great for me.



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