Accessing structure members in an array is similar: padding in structures other than arrays?

Suppose I have a structure that contains multiple members, each of which is of the same type. I would like to safely access the members by both name and array index, so I introduced union

which contains the actual struct

and the array that matches the members struct

in terms of number and type. See the following code, which illustrates how I would like to "view" in struct

two different ways, using this union


#include <iostream>

template<typename elemT>
struct productData {
    elemT color;
    elemT size;
    elemT application;
    elemT division;

template<typename elemT>
union productDataAsArray {
    struct productData<elemT> p;
    elemT arr[(sizeof(productData<elemT>) / sizeof(elemT))];

int main() {

    union productDataAsArray<int> myProduct;
    myProduct.p.color = 10;
    myProduct.p.size = 20;
    myProduct.p.application = 30;
    myProduct.p.division = 40;

    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        std::cout << "elem #" << i << ":" << myProduct.arr[i] << std::endl;


Is it safe / guaranteed by the standard to assume that the memory layout of the array matches the memory layout struct

, so that two different accessors achieve the desired results for any type elemT


The following static_asserts

with several different types indicates that it should work. But is it really guaranteed?

static_assert(sizeof(productData<int>)==sizeof(productDataAsArray<int>::arr), "padding/alignment inconsistency");
static_assert(sizeof(productData<char>)==sizeof(productDataAsArray<char>::arr), "padding/alignment inconsistency");
static_assert(sizeof(productData<double>)==sizeof(productDataAsArray<double>::arr), "padding/alignment inconsistency");
static_assert(sizeof(productData<char*>)==sizeof(productDataAsArray<char*>::arr), "padding/alignment inconsistency");

class alignas(16) testClass {
    int x;
    int y;
    virtual void test() {};

static_assert(sizeof(productData<testClass>)==sizeof(productDataAsArray<testClass>::arr), "padding/alignment inconsistency");



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4 answers

Your UB way, you can instead do something like:

template<typename elemT>
class productData {
    elemT data[4];
    const elemT& operator[](int i) const { return data[i];}
    const elemT& color() const { return data[0]; }
    const elemT& size() const { return data[1]; }
    const elemT& application() const { return data[2]; }
    const elemT& division() const { return data[3]; }

    elemT& operator[](int i) { return data[i];}
    elemT& color() { return data[0]; }
    elemT& size() { return data[1]; }
    elemT& application() { return data[2]; }
    elemT& division() { return data[3]; }




No need to talk about memory layout here to start.

You are already calling UB by reading from a member union

other than the last assigned one. There is no exception to this rule in standard C ++.

So, to be clear, the answer to all of your "Is it safe / guaranteed" questions is "No".



But is it really guaranteed?


You are calling Undefined Behavior by accessing an inactive element union




As mentioned in other posts, this is not guaranteed.

Yours is static_assert

also insufficient for verification, since you could fill in different places. You should explicitly check the memory location in your static assertions:

namespace {
const productDataAsArray<int> testObj{0};
static_assert(&testObj.p.color == &testObj.arr[0]);
static_assert(&testObj.p.size == &testObj.arr[1]);
static_assert(&testObj.p.application == &testObj.arr[2]);
static_assert(&testObj.p.division == &testObj.arr[3]);


The best solution is indexing with an enum:

enum productDataIndexes {

int main() {
    myProduct[PRODUCT_COLOR] = 10;
    myProduct[PRODUCT_SIZE] = 20;
    myProduct[PRODUCT_APPLICATION] = 30;
    myProduct[PRODUCT_DIVISION] = 40;

    for (int i=0; i<NUM_PRODUCT_INDEXES; i++) {
        std::cout << "elem #" << i << ":" << myProduct[i] << std::endl;




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