CSS: echo min-width inside iframe

I am using CSS @media tag and max-width. The requirement is to have smaller text size on large screens and larger text size on mobile screens. So, at a basic level, I have:

body {
    font-size: 13px;

@media (max-width:991px){


This works great, but there are elements on the screen that open frames on the screen that are less than 992px wide, so they will have a huge 24px font on them even on large screens. Is there a way to make the max-width rule follow the screen width and not the iframe width?


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2 answers

Specifically your body with an id and then styling on that id like this:

<body id="mainBody">
@media (max-width:991px){




You can use jquery for this problem. you can use the resize function just like this.

    //this will get the default screen width
    var width = $(window).width(); //this will get the width of your screen.

    //this is when you resize the screen
        width = $(this).width(); //this will get the width when you resize the screen.



Hope it works.



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