How do I access kernel variables in tf.layers.conv2d?

I want to visualize weights in convolutional layers to see how they change.

But I can't find a way to access the weights in the convolutional layers in tf.layers.conv2d



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2 answers

You can access this variable by name:

weights ='<name_of_your_layer>/weights:0', feed_dict=...)


If you are unsure of the name of your variable, see what it might be by typing tf.trainable_variables()



With inspiration from this: How to get CNN core values ​​in Tensorflow

Be sure to give him a name:

conv_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(..., name='YOUR_NAME', ...)


Access to such variables:

gr = tf.get_default_graph()
conv1_kernel_val = gr.get_tensor_by_name('YOUR_NAME/kernel:0').eval()
conv1_bias_val = gr.get_tensor_by_name('YOUR_NAME/bias:0').eval()




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