Laravel test failed

I am using the permission pack from space.

It works, but my test keeps failing.

My test looks like this:

/** @test */
public function a_user_with_right_permission_can_update_company_profile()
    $role = create(Role::class, ['name' => 'super-admin']);
    $permission = create(Permission::class, ['name' => 'bewerk-bedrijf-instellingen']);

    $user = create(User::class)->assignRole($role->name);

    $user = $user->fresh();


    $settings = [
        'name'          => 'Company',
        'email'         => '',
        'phone'         => '0623844932',
        'website'       => '',
        'description'   => 'A short description',

    $this->patch('/instellingen/bedrijf/profiel', $settings)
        ->assertSessionHas('status', 'Bedrijfsprofiel geupdatet!');

    $this->assertDatabaseHas('settings', $settings);


I get this error message:

Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
-'Bedrijfsprofiel geupdatet!'
+'Niet geautoriseerd!'


So it tells me that I am not authorized to do this! But I have the correct permission. Since this is middleware in this controller:

public function __construct()


When I remove middleware the test works. What can happen here, cache issue?

- Edit -

 /** @test */
    public function a_user_with_right_permission_can_update_company_profile()
        $permission = Permission::create([
            'name'  => 'bewerk-bedrijf-instellingen'

        $role = Role::create([
            'name'  => 'super-admin'


        $user = User::create([
            'name'                  => 'First',
            'last_name'             => 'Last',
            'email'                 => '',
            'password'              => 'secret',
            'password_confirmation' => 'secret',
            'function'              => 'Developer',

        $user = $user->fresh();


        $settings = [
            'name'          => 'Company',
            'email'         => 'info@example
            'phone'         => '0623844932',
            'website'       => '',
            'description'   => 'A short description',

        $this->patch('/instellingen/bedrijf/profiel', $settings)
            ->assertSessionHas('status', 'Bedrijfsprofiel geupdatet!');

        $this->assertDatabaseHas('settings', $settings);



 public function handle($request, Closure $next, $permission)
        if (Auth::guest()) {
            return redirect('/');

        if (!$request->user()->hasPermissionTo($permission)) {
            return back()
                ->with('status', 'Niet geautoriseerd!');

        return $next($request);


When I am dd($request->user()->hasPermissionTo($permission));

in middleware I get false. When I am dd($request->user()->roles()->pluck('name'));

, I receive super-admin



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