How do I call the destroy function of angular datatables?

I have a controller and I want to call the JQuery Datatables destroy function in the controller as a clock:

      $scope.$watch('model.SelectedWaiver', function() {
        if ($scope.model.SelectedWaiver.SurchargeID != null) {
            //destroy table here



I am not customizing the table in any way because there are two tables on the page:

the first:

<table datatable="ng" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-columns="dtColumns" class="table-bordered">



<table datatable="ng" id="secondTable" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-columns="dtColumns" class="table-bordered">


I want to destroy this table when the user selects another row in the first table.

jquery equivalent:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var table = $('#secondTable').DataTable();

    $('#selectedWaiver').on('change', function () {


How do I make this piece of code in angular?

Using this for data entry


source to share

1 answer

With dtInstance

, you have access to the dataTables API:

$scope.dtInstance = {};


add dtInstance

as ad to table

<table datatable dt-instance="dtInstance" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-columns="dtColumns">


Now you can destroy the dataTable with



angular dataTables have self-done extended ngDestroy()

bindings cleanup:



There is still some style

(and a bit more garbage) left in the headers , so remove them too (here in the table with id #table


$scope.destroy = function() {
    var i, ths = document.querySelectorAll('#table th');
       for (i=0;i<ths.length;i++) {


demo ->

If you have multiple angular data tables use multiple dtInstances

and different table id's




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