Setting up a private audio session AVCaptureSession

My use case is the following: I am trying to add audio recording using AVCaptureSession to my application. The app can play music / sounds and I don't want to change anything about the AVAudioSession app. That is, a shared audio session can have a category other than PlayAndRecord. So no problem, I can just set usesApplicationAudioSession

to false on my AVCaptureSession and it will use a new AudioSession different from the application's audio session. However, the documentation states that this

may cause interruption if your application uses its own audio session for playback.

What does he really do. My question is, is there a way to access the private audio session of the AVCaptureSession (and set it up to mix with other audio sources)? As I said, for this scenario, I don't want to change anything about the application sharing session configuration.

Any help or hints would be appreciated.


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