The table is listed twice, both as a target for "UPDATE" and as a separate data source

I am using spring-jpa with hibernate implementation. I am using mariadb and I am trying to do an update subquery

The structure of my object

public class Room {
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
  private Long roomId;

  @JoinColumn(name = "appartment_id")
  private Appartment appartment;

public class Appartment {

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
  private Long appartmentId;

  private Set<Room> roomList;

update Room r1
set r1.available = :availability
where r1.roomId in
( select r2.roomId from Room r2 JOIN r2.appartment a1 WHERE a1.appartmentId = :appartmentId )


I am getting this error

java.sql.SQLException: table "number" is specified twice, both as a target for "UPDATE" and as a separate data source


source to share

1 answer

This is a limitation in MySQL: -

You cannot update a table and select from the same table in a subquery.

Sometimes, you can infer which you can draw to hide an extra query in the next level of subquery that might work. Something like this (not tested): -

UPDATE Room r1
SET r1.available = :availability
WHERE r1.roomId IN
    SELECT roomId
        SELECT r2.roomId 
        FROM Room r2 
        JOIN r2.appartment a1 
        WHERE a1.appartmentId = :appartmentId 


Please note that your request may have an error. In the subquery, you are joining the Room aliased table as r2 to a table called apartment in the database called r2. Also your subquery does a JOIN without a join condition.

However, you may well be able to just do the join in the UPDATE statement without the need for a sub query: -

INNER JOIN r2.appartment a1
ON Room.roomId = a1.roomId
SET r1.available = :availability
WHERE a1.appartmentId = :appartmentId 




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