Function called infinitely on property binding

I found a very strange problem in my Angular app.

Let's say I have a simple example.component.ts

    selector: 'example',
    templateUrl: 'example.component.html',
    styles: [``]
export class ExampleComponent{
    get buttonShouldBeDisabled(){
        console.log("property call");
        return true;


with a template defined like this

        <button type="button" [disabled]="buttonShouldBeDisabled">Button</button>


Now in the browser console I see that the "property call" line is logged indefinitely. Infinite property call

What can cause this behavior? Am I correct in understanding that this means my property is being called over and over and this could cause the browser not to respond to user actions?


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2 answers

Your general approach is ok, I would change it like that

export class ExampleComponent{
isValid: boolean;

    console.log("property call");
   return this.isValid;}}


With your html element bound to isValid

<button [disabled]="!buttonShouldBeDisabled>Button</button>


Now you can just set boolean, for example by clicking another button to toggle 'disabled' Hope this helps, greetings from Berlin.



I noticed this thing in Angular too. This is not an issue related to Angular's way of detecting changes for each component.



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