Cron expression for the second-last day of the week of the month

I want to run the second on the last day of the week of the month.

Typically, this is the last Friday of the month (ex: 30/06/2017)

0 0 0 ? * FRIL 


And I want the second to continue (ex: 23/06/2017)

0 0 0 ? * FRIL-1 


But this syntax returns the same result as before (using Quartz scheduler and cronmaker )

The second and last day of the week of the month can appear on either the 3rd or 4th week of the month. So:

either : 0 0 0 ? * FRI#3 
or     : 0 0 0 ? * FRI#4 


Do you have any tips?


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1 answer

I don't think you can express this using cron syntax.
I can think of some problems:

  • You can schedule your work every Friday and have some work logic to check if it is actually second to last before continuing.

  • Another option is to create a dummy cron trigger for last Friday, get the "next fire time", subtract 7 days from that date, and create an actual trigger using that exact date - but you would have to do this every week (either by pre-planning multiple triggers, or by reassigning your work after each run).



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