What can Rvalue change?

Anyone please give an example of a "volatile value"? My understanding is rvalue appearing on the right side of the "=" expression in the expression. I tested the following example, but I'm not sure if it explains the "mutable rvalue"

int i=1
int &j = i;
j=2;  //cout: i == 2, 



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1 answer

It depends to some extent on the context of the phrase "modifiable rvalue". However, this is one possible example:

struct Modifiable
  int x;
  void modify() { std::cout << x << '\n'; x = -x; std::cout << x << '\n'; }

Modifiable demo()
  Modifiable m;
  m.x = 42;
  return m;

int main()


The return value demo()

is an rvalue (even a prvalue), but changed by the call modify()


[Live example]



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