How to set global mutation in vuex js store module

I need to be able to change the state of a global variable alert

from any Vuex module.

store /index.js

export const state = () => ({
    alert: null 


store /child.js

export const mutations = {
    SET_ALERT: function (rootState, alert) {
        rootState.alert = alert
export const actions = {
        commit('SET_ALERT', 'warning')


I want to call setalert

and set the global store.state.alert

to "warning"

. Currently store.state.child.alert

gaining importance "warning"



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1 answer

You cannot access the state of the vuex module due to another mutation of the module.

Your mutation is now SET_ALERT

referencing the state child

as it is within the scope child

. Changing the name of a state object parameter to rootState

does not change its value.

But you can just move the mutation SET_ALERT

to a file index.js

. The mutation can still be called from a child

module action setalert


If you are using a namespace for a module ( namespace: true

), you need to explicitly specify to use the root module in the call commit

, for example:

commit('SET_ALERT', 'warning', { root: true });


Here's the documentation for Vuex modules.



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